Edson Twinamatsiko

Edson Twinamatsiko

Business Development Practitioner with experience supporting SMEs

Associated Brands

Athari ventures

Education History

  • Global MBA in Impact Entrepreneurship (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, Italy).
  • Executive Education- Financing of Agribusiness Value Chains Programme (Strathmore University Business School (SBS), Nairobi, Kenya
  • Masters of Business Administration in Social Entrepreneurship (Uganda Martyrs University)
  • Masters of Development Studies (Mbarara University of Science and Technology).
  • Bachelor of Development Studies (Mbarara University of Science and Technology).


Entreprenuers must focus on establishing businesses that address social problems. Profit maximisation is not the goal but a means to achieve sustainability.

Providing business development services to women and youth entrepreneurs empowers them to build successful businesses. This is achieved by delivering quality advisory services that enable clients (SMEs) to develop bankable business models, competitive market strategies, and strengthening their policies and systems.


  • Supporting SMEs to access financing
  • Go-to-market Strategy
  • Developing fundable business plans
  • Developing and managing entrepreneurship developing projects
  • Developing and managing Value chain development projects
  • Developing and managing market systems interventions
  • Managing Entrepreneurship Support Organizations (ESOs)
  • Coaching and mentorship for entrepreneurs
  • Managing and reporting of projects for multinational donors such as World Bank, USAID, DANIDA, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation,
  • Developing strategic plans, business plans, manuals and polices for NGOs, SMES, cooperatives and other institutions

From our blog


Providing business development services to women and youth entrepreneurs empowers them to build successful businesses. This is achieved by delivering quality advisory services that enable clients (SMEs) to develop bankable business models, competitive market strategies, and strengthening their policies and systems.

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